Reasons to Hire a Motivational Speaker for Your Company Event


To get the most out of its employees, a company needs to make them feel like they are part of something worthwhile,something they care about beyond the pay-packet that comes in every month.

This is a phenomenon that applies across the board.Money alone is certainly a motivator, but not one that will usually make employees go that extra mile. The extra mile, as it happens, only becomes an option once employees can see their own future and fortunes intertwined with those of the company.

This isn’t something you can create overnight and bringing employees around to identifying with a company takes time. Naturally, the employees should have a contract which they feel is fair, they should feel like they have the option of promotion and progression, andabove allthey need to feel like when thecompany does well, they do well.

One of the things that can pretty effectively foster this type of identification with the company is company community events. This is a great idea precisely because it creates a working community (rather than a group of people who turn up and work at the same time and place) and it means that there is more to the employee experience than the quotidian.

Motivational Speaking at Company Events

If a company event sounds like something you should do (and if you want greater workforce coherence, it is) then a great idea is to double this up with a motivational speaker. A motivational speech as part of an event can, if employees can identify with it, make for better employees. It does this by offering encouragement and inspiration and identifying that with the company itself.

This is a pretty well-known practice within many industries, and it’s well-known because it works. Of course, the motivational speaker needs to be up to scratch, but hiring one is certainly one of the best ways to create a workforce that wants to stick with the company and grow with it.

But what should that motivational speech be about? This is something that can vary a lot butgenerallyit can take the form of general inspirational speaking (sort of like life coaching), or it can be about topics specific to the daily operation of the company.

Plurawl, a clothing company that also run an inspirational podcasts, saythatin the latter case, you should be careful that the speech doesn’t simply come off as company instructions for working well – it always needs to go a bit beyond that.

Further Tips

Here follows some further tips for hiring a motivational speaker for your corporate event:

Match the Speaker to the Audience

When the speaker is announced, it is likely that employees will check them out on YouTube first. This means the speaker doubles up as an attraction for your event, so it needs to be one that the employees will want to listen to.

Customize the Talk

If your employee’s check out the speaker on YouTube and thereafter hear the exact same talk verbatim, then it is not going to have the intended effect. Look into customizing the content of the talk, specifically in line with your company.

Make Sure the Talk is Relevant to Your Company

As mentioned, you should be careful that the talk is not too utilitarian and focused on ordinary daily work but, at the same timeit should not be too unrelated or general. You want to inspire your workforce, but in a way that benefits the company too.

In the end, the reason it is a popular choice is because it works – book a motivational speaker for your company event today.

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