4 Tactics to Create Customer Engagement With Your Content


If you’ve been in the content marketing game for even a few months, you know that good content isn’t enough to create a loyal following. You need to give your audience an experience they can’t get anywhere else—and that means creating content that’s not just relevant but also resonates with them on a deeper level. That’s why it’s so important to understand your audience and create customer engagement with them in mind.

Create your content with your audience in mind

One of the most important things you can do to create content your audience will love is to know them. You want to be able to identify their pain points so that you can help them solve those problems. Once you understand the problems and needs of your target audience, you can think about how best to address them with your content.

You know what your customers want: they want information that’s relevant and useful—not boring and irrelevant. So it’s up to you  as marketers, or anyone creating content, to make sure your messages are on point, engaging and helpful at every turn.

Craft a content strategy

Content strategy is a plan that helps you organize and prioritize your content. This process helps you create content that is relevant and valuable to your audience. When done correctly, it also builds trust with your audience.

Content strategy can be created over time or in one sitting. If you’re just starting and don’t have much content yet, you need to map out what you want to do. Once you’ve got some experience under your belt, building out a full-fledged content strategy will make sense for bigger brands with more resources.

Optimize for quick consumption

If you want to make sure your content is consumed, try using shorter paragraphs. Shorter paragraphs are easier to read, and they give the reader a break from long blocks of text. You can also use bullet points, subheadings, images, and videos to break up the information into bite-sized pieces.

If you want to get people engaged with your content, try using an infographic. Infographics are visually appealing and easy for readers to understand because they’re designed specifically for quick consumption and engagement.

Optimize for mobile

Let’s talk about optimizing your content for mobile devices. You’ve probably heard the term “mobile first” floating around, but what does it mean? It means creating content with a responsive design so that it can be viewed on any device, whether that’s a desktop computer or a smartphone. This is important because over half of all website traffic comes from mobile devices .

If you’re not sure how to optimize your website for mobile, you should start by using short sentences and lists instead of long paragraphs. Long paragraphs are okay on desktop computers because people can scroll down easily, but on mobile screens, they tend to get cut off after two lines at most. To fix this issue you can use bullets and numbered lists instead of long paragraphs.

You’ll also want to use images as infographics whenever possible; otherwise include an image gallery where there’s room for them such as below each blog post). Images increase engagement in social media posts as well, so try not to miss out on the chance to use them.


If you’re looking to create content that your customers will engage with, keep these four strategies in mind. Your content should be written with your audience in mind, and it should be optimized for quick consumption. By using imagery and keywords throughout your blog posts—and optimizing them for mobile—you can make sure that readers enjoy a smooth reading experience on any device.

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