5 Best Ways To Sell ESTATE JEWELRY


The estate jewelry that you have inherited holds emotional values. Selling them would be really hard as they may be attached to some beautiful memories of the past. Having decades-old jewelry will also not give you options to update your fashion look because the designs get outdated, but they carry the highest sentiment values. Some jewelry even shows antique artworks and is emblemed with precious gemstone. You need to find the right buyers to get the maximum. sell diamond jewelry to the jeweler who is dealing with diamonds and other precious gemstones.

If you have estate jewelry and want to sell them, here are a few things that you must keep in mind. These jewelry pieces are the symbol of affection and love. You inherently own your grandmother’s watch and many such antique pieces. These pieces are really priceless and evoke sentiments in your heart.

The most challenging thing with estate jewelry is to calculate the values. They are sometimes even more expensive than you can imagine. You must collect information about the price of gold, platinum, and diamonds. To get the best value from your jewelry pieces, here are the best solutions for you. 

Clean and polish your jewelry:

The first step of selling your estate jewelry to estate jewelry buyers is to clean and polish those jewelry pieces at a trusted jewelry shop. If you don’t want to trust others, you can also follow a DIY process for cleaning your jewelry pieces. A family jeweler can be the best person for this job because you trust the person.

Original packaging:

If your jewelry boxes were in good condition, keep the original box with your jewelry pieces. If these pieces are from branded names like Cartier, this adds value and prestige to your pieces. These antique boxes even carry more feelings. 

Get multiple appraisals:

Do not choose a jeweler blindly. You can check prices offered by other shops that take estate jewelry pieces. Pick the one that offers the highest value on your jewelry pieces. Getting an appraisal for jewelry is the suggested option for you. 

Check the melt value:

You can ask a jeweler for calculating the melt value of your jewelry pieces. The precious metal in your estate jewelry can be calculated as per their melt value. 

Collect gem grading report:

If your jewelry pieces have expensive metal, you must collect the gemstone certificate. This helps you value precious gems perfectly and helps you get the best price at the time of selling. When you sell diamond jewelry to estate jewelry buyers, this gemstone certificate clears any doubts about the quality of the stone. You must always visit a family jeweler to evaluate your jewelry pieces. You will get a trustworthy experience from your family jeweler.

Besides these five ways, you have other choices for selling estate jewelry, and they are explained below. 

If you do not have any family jewelers connection, you can ask your friends for referrals. People dealing with antique things can also help you in this regard. Sometimes, selling on consignment will be the best choice for you. If you do not have any time limit, this option proves to be great. 

Selling jewelry online:

Selling your jewelry online is another popular options people have. Some companies handle the entire task for you, right from picking your ornaments from your house to posting pictures on their websites. However, these companies will charge you a percentage from the final price of your jewelry piece. 

If you want to sell your estate jewelry piece online, tell a story behind that jewelry piece and use beautiful wording to entice people or jewelry lovers, especially people who love antique pieces. the ornaments that you possess inherently are valuable. So, think hard before selling them.

Sell at an auction:

When you have a proven owner history for your jewelry pieces, an auction can be the best place to sell your jewelry. It is true that this process is very complicated, and you can use it for high-end items only.  

Parting away from jewelry pieces that you inherited is emotionally challenging. But, keeping them with you will be an expensive endeavor because you must choose insurance for the items. Besides, keeping everything in your jewelry box will not be the ideal solution. So, sell your estate jewelry pieces to someone you trust the most.

Another thing that you must concentrate on is what you want to sell. This is another important step for selling your old jewelry pieces. Diamond rings are a very common piece that people pass on generation after generation. When you sell diamond jewelry, check the year it is designed in, the unique identifiers, and more. These all can increase the value of your diamond jewelry.

Diamond Banc is a renowned jewelry buyer and lender for your jewelry and luxury items. The company has garnered a reputation because of its transparent work culture that satisfies customers. By offering the highest value for the jewelry pieces, the company has made a unique position in the market. 

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