5 high paying jobs in the Digital world


The digital world is massively growing. From startup businesses to established businesses everyone is running a race in the digital world because this is the need.

In a technological world, after every 5-10 years technology changes. Every new update brings easier and developed technology. That’s why this generation is growing so fast. In the past, after starting any business, people didn’t get much profit comparatively today. At that time marketing sources were few. There was no chance to expand on a higher level with few resources.

But today we can say, there is full of resources but we are using only a few of them. On the Digital World platform, you can go beyond your limits. If you want to take your business worldwide then you can do it. Take an example of E-Commerce, you can order any product from any country, likewise, you can promote your businesses or services to any customer from any country, you can give your service online. Also, you can get remote jobs with attractive pay.

So for getting a good career and getting highly paid, Digital Marketing is the perfect answer.

There are many opportunities in Digital Marketing that will give you good money for sure.

1 Digital Marketing Manager

The Digital Marketing Managers’ role in implementing strategies of SEO and SEM. Tracking analytics. Reporting and improving the performance of Digital Marketing campaigns. Coordinating with the Marketing team. And many other responsibilities. Can you guess how much money you can earn by getting this job title?

Here is the actual base salary according to Payscale.com is ₹5,46,200 per annum.

2 Digital Designer

Digital Designer makes content attractive, design social media graphics, advertisements. Visual content is always working than text content. Customers get attracted by creative and informative content. By using many tools, you can design a website, content, social media account, video ads, display ads, and many other things. And this career option is also best for getting highly paid.

Digital Designer’s average base salary is ₹4,85,475 per annum in India. Numbers can be higher in another country.

3 SEO Specialist

This post is obviously needed for every company. I can say your website is the mirror of your business, to grow your business you need to grow your website quality and ranking first. It will help you to get a good customer base. SEO does help in increasing website ranking organically and many more.

As an SEO trainee, you can get a minimum of ₹95,000 – ₹1,40,000 per annum

For SEO analysts you will get ₹2,40,000 – ₹3,20,000 per annum

And according to Payscale.com, you will get a ₹2,51,706 base salary per annum in India

As you get more experience, your salary also will increase. For a good salary, you can approach foreign clients also.

4 Content Creator (content writer)

Content is the base for your website, your social media accounts. Content needs to be informative and helpful to the website or social media page visitors. And it can make a big difference in your business, by pitching good content to the customer, we can change their minds. For attracting customers, content should be informative and attractive.

Content writers have a flourishing future nowadays. There are multiple clients which can’t make their content attractive, so they hire content writers for making the best business website. If you can write good content, then you will get highly paid. You can approach foreign clients also to write for them. This job only needs a good study of market research, creative and thoughtful mind, that’s it.

You can get well paid up to ₹2,80,259 lakhs per annum as per the study of Payscale.com. but you can absolutely earn more than that working for foreign clients.

5 Social Media Manager

Managing social media accounts. Running campaigns, handling budgets. Creating visual content by posts and videos. Working on brand awareness. Focusing on customer engagement. Post good content to the customers. Maintaining social media calendar etc. these are the responsibilities of the Social Media Manager. And let me tell you that this post is a good option for good money as well. And you can remotely work for any customer.

According to a study of Payscale.com, the annual base salary for Social Media Manager in India is ₹3,48,005/ annum.

These are the 5 high-paying jobs in the Digital world. So why wait? To Grab this opportunity, join Digital Marketing Course in Nagpur and be the future Digital Marketer.

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