Functions of the First Flush Diverter

If you run a business that has an unroofed wash bay for any reason, you may already know how important stormwater management is. After all, when there’s excess moisture, the extra water that runs into ditches and sewers can carry debris, bacteria, chemicals, and other pollutants that may eventually end up in bodies of freshwater or else in the local water source.
This is particularly important in urban areas, since all that pavement and roofing makes it difficult for precipitation to naturally soak into the ground. That’s where “green infrastructure” comes into play, since such devices are used to filter out pollutants and store stormwater for later use. If you’re looking for such a structure for your business, you’ll want to consider a first flush diverter installation. Here’s what you need to know about it.
What It Does
No matter what you plan to use collected stormwater for, you don’t want it to have any soil, dust, and faecal matter, to name a few possible contaminants. A first flush diverter is essential to ensuring that whenever there’s rain, the first flow of water gets diverted to a separate tank. Once that’s done, the valve to this separate tank is closed and the rest of the rainwater flows into your main collection tank.
In other words, a stormwater treatment or collection system with a first flush diverter helps to ensure that any contaminants present in an area in between rainstorms are washed away from your stormwater collection. These same contaminants are likewise kept away from the drains and sewers of the larger community, preventing pollution, flooding, and any infrastructure damage that such contaminants would otherwise cause.
A first flush diverter doesn’t just redirect the rainwater during the first few minutes at the start of the water collection or wash down cycle, but it washes the surface clean at the same time. This practically eliminates the chances of someone getting sick because of any bacteria that are growing near where you’ve set up your stormwater collection or treatment system.
How to Tell You Need a First Flush Diverter
To be honest, there’s some math involved in figuring out whether or not you need a first flush diverter. A stormwater collection or treatment system will be more expensive if you add such a diverter, but if it costs less and won’t take long for you to hose down the area in between rainstorms, then you likely won’t need a diverter. Otherwise, you’ll save time and money by choosing a stormwater collection, treatment, or wash down system that includes a first flush diverter.
No matter what industry you’re in and what you’re using the water collection, treatment, or wash down system for, there’s no denying that there’s nothing to be lost by considering including a first flush diverter. Still, it’s best if you consult a professional so they can advise you on what options are best for the application you need.