How Important Are Vertical Video Ads on Mobile Devices?

599 ViewsMobile devices are taking over the world. Since 2019, they have surpassed desktops in worldwide usage – and their prevalence is showing no signs of slowing down. This trend

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5 high paying jobs in the Digital world

847 ViewsThe digital world is massively growing. From startup businesses to established businesses everyone is running a race in the digital world because this is the need. In a technological

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Three Tools That All Digital Businesses Need

584 ViewsMore and more businesses have adjusted to a ‘digital first’ model, partially due to changing work trends and partially due to the Covid-19 pandemic. As such, businesses have made

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What You Need to Know When Marketing a SaaS Solution

582 ViewsDue to the rise of remote work culture, SaaS solutions are now more popular than ever. Their ubiquity and convenience, as well as their use of security protocols and

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Why you need SEO for your business

584 ViewsThe need for effective digital strategies like SEO is at an all-time high since 2020, and this trend continues. Every business now appears to be shifting to gear to

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